Fed up with what they call “betrayal” by the government, thousands of Gush Katif evacuees have broken off talks with the government on a variety of issues and are planning a mass struggle beginning next week to force the state to dramatically improve its efforts in caring for their well-being. Organizers of the Forum for those Injured in the Disengagement, as they are calling it, are making plans to jam roads across the country, hold mass demonstrations in front of prominent politicians’ homes, seal off caravan communities in Nitzan and other towns, pull their children out of school, and generally “create total chaos,” according to Forum leader Yoram Musavi. “Until today we were good children. That’s over now. We’re not going to be good kids anymore,” Musavi said. “It wasn’t God who evacuated Gush Katif, it was the State of Israel. And like it took them out, it needs to take care of them and until then we are going to make total chaos.” In response, Government Spokesman Ra’anan Gissin called the timing of the protests political. “It’s election time, what do you want?” Gissin said. “The administration that’s taking care of it is going out […]

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