SACRAMENTO — Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger unveiled a sweeping $12 billion health care plan today that would require all Californians to have health insurance. In remarks that he delivered by video conference from Los Angeles, Schwarzenegger insisted covering all Californians was the key to lowering the exploding costs of health care. ‘We pay higher deductibles, higher cost for treatment, higher premiums and higher co-pays,” he said. ‘Prices for health care and insurance are rising twice as fast as inflation, twice as fast as wages. That is a terrible drain on everyone and it is a drain on our economy. My solution is that everyone in California must have insurance. If you can’t afford it, the state will help you buy it, but you must be insured.” Among the highlights: The governor would require employers to provide insurance or pay into a state fund that would help people buy their own insurance; he would require insurers to cover everyone, regardless of medical condition; he would require 85 percent of insurance premiums be spent on patient care; he would substantially increase the MediCal reimbursement for doctors. He acknowledged how controversial his proposal to cover illegal immigrants is, but said […]
Tuesday, January 9th, 2007
Schwarzenegger: Everyone Must Have Health Insurance
Source: MediaNew Sacramento Bureau
Publication Date: 8-Jan-07
Link: Schwarzenegger: Everyone Must Have Health Insurance
Source: MediaNew Sacramento Bureau
Publication Date: 8-Jan-07
Link: Schwarzenegger: Everyone Must Have Health Insurance
Stephan: Arnold Schwarzenegger is the most interesting politician in the country. He is highly competitive, rich, a public icon, cannot become president, and has no interest in being a senator. Uniquely he is not beholden to special interests, and has no benchmark besides his own conscience, and making his children and grandchildren proud of what he has done, and to have his wife's family acknowledge him as an equal. Running one of the largest economies in the world he is in the position to shift the public conversation, and the policies that flow from this discourse, in all manner of interesting ways.