CAMPAIGNERS last night warned couples ‘not to play God’ with a revolutionary home test that reveals an unborn baby’s sex at six weeks. They fear the £189 kit will create a massive leap in abortions if would-be parents are not having the gender they want. Michaela Aston, spokeswoman for the charity LIFE, said: ‘This test is very dangerous. It could lead to babies being aborted simply for being the ‘wrong’ sex.’ And Julia Millington, of the Prolife Alliance, said: ‘There is a real risk that some people would choose to abort babies of a certain gender.’ The earliest couples had previously known the gender of their baby was at the 20-week scan - four weeks before the legal limit for an abortion. But some health authorities have already stopped revealing that information for fear of ‘wrong-sex’ terminations. The Pink or Blue Early Test Kit, launched on the internet this week by DNA Worldwide, is claimed to be 98 per cent reliable. Mums-to-be prick a finger to give a small blood sample. They put this on a filter paper and send it to a lab for testing. Lab technicians determine the sex by […]

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