A subtle homepage redesign that gives more prominence to Google’s greatly expanded range of products and services, along with an improved set of results from the US Google.com search engine called ‘Universal Search’ ensures Google’s lead as the most accurate and relevant search engine is undiminished. This is despite some commentators believing Google’s better search results aren’t in Google’s or users best interests, but clearly, information resides in more than just HTML web pages, but also in scanned books, blogs, video clips, news stories and more. Being able to access this on one page of results gives you more – and better – information on the topic at hand. It helps you find information more easily, because it has brought you what should be relevant information that you didn’t even ask for, such as images or videos or blog entries or news stories, all of which could hold the answer to what you want to know. Google say their vision for universal search is to ‘ultimately search across all its content sources, compare and rank all the information in real time, and deliver a single, integrated set of search results that offers users precisely what they are […]

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