This Monica revealed something hotter – much hotter – than a stained blue dress. In her opening testimony yesterday before the House Judiciary Committee, Monica Goodling, the blonde-ling underling to Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and Department of Justice Liaison to the White House, dropped The Big One…. And the Committee members didn’t even know it. Goodling testified that Gonzales’ Chief of Staff, Kyle Sampson, perjured himself, lying to the committee in earlier testimony. The lie: Sampson denied Monica had told him about Tim Griffin’s ‘involvement in ‘caging’ voters’ in 2004. Huh?? Tim Griffin? ‘Caging’??? The perplexed committee members hadn’t a clue – and asked no substantive questions about it thereafter. Karl Rove is still smiling. If the members had gotten the clue, and asked the right questions, they would have found ‘the keys to the kingdom,’ they thought they were looking for. They dangled right in front of their perplexed faces. The keys: the missing emails – and missing link – that could send Griffin and his boss, Rove, to the slammer for a long, long time. Kingdom enough for ya? But what’s ‘caging’ and why is it such a […]
Tuesday, May 29th, 2007
The Goods on Goodling and the Keys to the Kingdom
Publication Date: Thursday 24 May 2007
Link: The Goods on Goodling and the Keys to the Kingdom
Publication Date: Thursday 24 May 2007
Link: The Goods on Goodling and the Keys to the Kingdom
Stephan: This is one of the few stories I can find on this, and I have been looking because it was obvious there was more to this than was being reported. Not surprisingly the attorney firings were just a part of a much larger strategy. Watergate was a Republican strategy. So were Iran-Contra, and the 2000 election. There is a component of the Republican Part, not all or everyone, but a real cohort, who think of the Constitution, and public integrity as optional. Democrats do all manner of greedy, stupid, or nefarious things. But they do not attack the fundamentals of our governmental system. This seems a peculiarity of the Republicans.