1. Do not sign the back of your credit cards. Instead, put ‘PHOTO ID REQUIRED.’ 2. When you are writing checks to pay on your credit card Accounts, DO NOT put the complete account number on the ‘For’ line. Instead, just put the last four numbers. The credit card company knows the rest of the number, and anyone who might be handling your check as it passes through all the check processing channels won’t have access to it. 3. Put your work phone # on your checks instead of your home Phone. If you have a PO Box use that instead of your home address. If you do not have a PO Box, use your work address. Never have your SS# printed on your checks. You can add it if it is necessary. But if you have It printed, anyone can get it. 4. Place the contents of your wallet on a photocopy machi ne. Do both sides of each license, credit card, etc. You will know what you had in your wallet and all of the account numbers and phone numbers to Call […]
Monday, January 14th, 2008
Defense Against ID Theft
Stephan: This was sent to me by an SR reader who is a senior partner in a large New York bluestocking law firm, and it was sent to him by a friend in another firm, so I take it as responsible, and I recommend you follow these suggestions.