What if I told you,’ Joel Weinstock said, ‘there were countries where the doctors had never seen hay fever?’ It is another piece of evidence, another ‘aha’ moment in the global medical mystery that Weinstock – the chief of gastroenterology and hepatology at Tufts-New England Medical Center – has narrowed down to one chief suspect: the worms. Weinstock, 59, specializes in studying why immunological diseases – everything from hay fever and asthma to diabetes and multiple sclerosis – are on the rise in developed countries but remain relatively uncommon in undeveloped countries. He believes these diseases, many of which were almost unheard of 100 years ago, are because of changes in our environment, a lack of exposure to something. And he thinks that something may be the worms. ‘We realized that one thing people always had was intestinal worms,’ he said. ‘But in the mid-20th century we started deworming children in developed countries. So we’ve developed a theory that perhaps deworming was helping these diseases.’ This theory – which is currently being tested in laboratory trials on how parasitic worms, known as helminths, regulate response to disease – has earned Weinstock the title of ‘Best and […]

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