The Scientists and Engineers for America (SEA) released the results of a phone poll performed early in June that show the US public is strongly in favor of addressing many of the country’s problems through scientific innovation. Although there were partisan differences on specific issues, majorities in both parties favor dedicating federal funding for scientific research, including that directed to climate change. The poll may help the organization’s campaign to get Congressional and Presidential candidates to commit to positions on science policy issues. Related Stories The poll was conducted in mid-June, and involved a phone survey of over 1,000 US voters. Subjects were asked whether science policy issues, including education, health care, energy, and climate change would influence their votes. Candidates who were in favor of scientific solutions to these issues were more likely to receive the votes of a majority of those polled, in some cases much more likely. Strong majorities (roughly 85 percent) favored candidates that supported science education efforts and research directed toward improving healthcare, with a majority of voters saying those candidates were much more likely to get their vote. Nearly 80 percent would support candidates that proposed handling energy issues through scientific research, […]

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