Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has expressed concern for the safety of the vote in the 2008 election. (Photo: Transcript from Ring of Fire on Air America Radio Bobby: ‘There are about 30 scams the Republicans are deliberately using, particularly in the swing states to get Democratic voters off the rolls. These scams originate in the so-called Help America Vote Act which was passed after the Florida debacle in the year 2000. It was originally suggested by Democrats and Republicans but it was passed by a Republican congress with a Republican senate and a Republican president. And instead of reforming what happened in Florida it basically institutionalized all the problems that happened in Florida. And institutionalized a series of impediments that make it very difficult for Democrats to register, for Democrats to vote and then for Democrats to have their vote counted. ‘One of these requirements under HAVA is called ‘the perfect match’ and what that does is little known but it is devastating. A quarter of the voters in Colorado have just been removed from the rolls because of this – just this one […]

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