As countries and industries grow increasingly overwhelmed by wave after wave of bankruptcies, layoffs, restructurings, botched contracts, and embarrassing bonuses, they might lose sight of a second, much larger set of tsunamis gathering force over the horizon. While the economy is melting down, technology is moving forward at an even faster rate. The ability to adapt to the accelerating pace of change will determine who survives. To use the current bailout jargon, at least three major technologies are shovel-ready: the programming of tissues, the ability to engineer cells, and robots. As these breakthroughs and others converge, we are going to see a massive restructuring of global economic power. *** We can now program life. Several months ago, researchers at the J. Craig Venter Institute and Synthetic Genomics took a mycoplasma cell and inserted long strands of DNA into it, making the cell an entirely different species. In January 2008, the same team built and inserted the world’s largest organic molecule into a cell-this is the equivalent of a complete software package to program cells. One year later they produced thousands of these programs in a single day. Taken together, these discoveries mean that one can write […]
Friday, May 1st, 2009
The Next Big Thing: A New You
Source: Foreign Policy
Publication Date: 31-May-09
Link: The Next Big Thing: A New You
Source: Foreign Policy
Publication Date: 31-May-09
Link: The Next Big Thing: A New You
Stephan: Juan Enriquez, author of As the Future Catches You, is managing director of Excel Medical Ventures, a venture capital company that invests in life-science technologies, and a cofounder and shareholder of Synthetic Genomics.