Right about now, Apple probably wishes it had never rejected Google Voice and related apps from the iPhone. Or maybe it was AT&T who rejected the apps. Nobody really knows. But the FCC launched an investigation last night to find out, sending letters to all three companies (Apple, AT&T, and Google) asking them to explain exactly what happened. On its face, it might seem odd to some people that the FCC is investigating the rejection of a single iPhone app. After all, iPhone apps are rejected every day. But the Google Voice rejection caused an unusual amount of uproar, and there is nothing like a high-profile case to make an example out of in pursuit of pushing a bigger policy agenda. The FCC investigation is not just about the arbitrary rejection of a single app. It is the FCC’s way of putting a stake in the ground for making the wireless networks controlled by cell phone carriers as open as the Internet. Today there are two different sets of rules for applications and devices on the Internet. On the wired Internet, we can connect any type of PC or other computing device and use any applications we want […]
Sunday, August 2nd, 2009
Why The FCC Wants To Smash Open The iPhone
Source: Washington Post
Publication Date: Saturday, August 1, 2009 6:27 AM
Link: Why The FCC Wants To Smash Open The iPhone
Source: Washington Post
Publication Date: Saturday, August 1, 2009 6:27 AM
Link: Why The FCC Wants To Smash Open The iPhone