WASHINGTON — The nation’s drugmakers stand ready to spend $150 million to help President Obama overhaul health care this fall, according to numerous officials, a staggering sum that could dwarf attempts to derail his chief domestic priority. The White House and allies in Congress are well aware of the effort by Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, a somewhat surprising political alliance, given the industry’s recent history of siding with Republicans and the Democrats’ disdain for special interests. The campaign, now in its early stages, includes television advertising under the trade group’s name and commercials aired in conjunction with the liberal Families USA. Numerous people with knowledge of the drugmakers’ plan said they had been told it would probably reach $150 million and perhaps $200 million. They spoke on condition of anonymity, saying they were not authorized to divulge details. For comparative purposes, 2008 Republican presidential candidate John McCain was limited to spending $84 million a year ago when he accepted government money for his fall campaign. Any health care bill that makes it to Obama’s desk is expected to extend health insurance to the nearly 50 million who now lack it. That would mean […]

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