LONDON, England — Britons including Prime Minister Gordon Brown have leapt to the defense of their creaking healthcare service after President Barack Obama’s plans for a similar system in the United States were branded ‘evil’ by Republicans. British Prime Minister Gordon Brown issued a heartfelt message of support for the NHS via Twitter. British Prime Minister Gordon Brown issued a heartfelt message of support for the NHS via Twitter. Tens of thousands of people have joined a Twitter group expressing pride in the UK’s National Health Service (NHS), which offers free taxpayer-funded medical care to all British residents, while leading politicians have spoken out in support. Republican former vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin earlier this week condemned Obama’s plans to introduce a public heath insurance scheme as an ‘evil’ move that would result in ‘death panels’ deciding who would live or die. Her criticism has been echoed by fellow Republicans in direct attacks on Britain’s NHS. In an article, Former House of Representatives Speaker Newt Gingrich said British healthcare was run by ‘Orwellian’ bureaucrats who put a price tag on life. The comments caused a storm of protest in the United Kingdom, with Prime Minister […]

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