The US tolerates more inequality, deprivation and suffering than is acceptable here When we Europeans – the British included – contemplate the battles President Obama must fight to reform the US health system, our first response tends to be disbelief. How can it be that so obvious a social good as universal health insurance, so humane a solution to common vulnerability, is not sewn deep into the fabric of the United States? How can one of the biggest, richest and most advanced countries in the world tolerate a situation where, at any one time, one in six of the population has to pay for their treatment item by item, or resort to hospital casualty wards? The second response, as automatic as the first, is to blame heartless and ignorant Republicans. To Europeans, a universal health system is so basic to a civilised society that only the loony right could possibly oppose it: the people who cling to their guns, picket abortion clinics (when they are not trying to shoot the abortionists) and block funding for birth control in the third world. All right, we are saying to ourselves, there are Americans who think like this, but they are […]
Thursday, August 27th, 2009
A Mean Streak In The US Mainstream
Source: The Independent (U.K.)
Publication Date: 25-Aug-09
Link: A Mean Streak In The US Mainstream
Source: The Independent (U.K.)
Publication Date: 25-Aug-09
Link: A Mean Streak In The US Mainstream
Stephan: It pains me to say it, but this woman is telling the truth. Making profit the only priority is a horrible way to live. It isolates us and makes us socially mean. No sane person would live like this. As a society we are not entirely sane.