The abandoned corpses, in white body bags with number tags tied to each toe, lie one above the other on steel racks inside a giant freezer in Detroit’s central mortuary, like discarded shoes in the back of a wardrobe. Some have lain here for years, but in recent months the number of unclaimed bodies has reached a record high. For in this city that once symbolised the American Dream many cannot even afford to bury their dead. ‘I have not seen this many unclaimed bodies in 13 years on the job, said Albert Samuels, chief investigator at the mortuary. ‘It started happening when the economy went south last year. I have never seen this many people struggling to give people their last resting place. Unburied bodies piling up in the city mortuary - it reached 70 earlier this year - is the latest and perhaps most appalling indignity to be heaped on the people of Detroit. The motor city that once boasted the highest median income and home ownership rate in the US is today in the midst of a long and agonising death spiral. After years of gross mismanagement by the city’s leaders and the […]

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