WASHINGTON — Drugmakers, device companies and health insurers all got some good news when Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives released changes to healthcare reform legislation on Thursday. Hefty taxes on those three industries were delayed by at least a year, among other adjustments to the bill that seeks to overhaul the nation’s healthcare system. Following are some of the winners and losers for the healthcare industry based on the reconciliation bill the House is considering along with the Senate’s bill. A vote is expected on Sunday. WINNERS BRANDNAME DRUGMAKERS * The pharmaceutical industry largely keeps its $80 billion agreement to provide savings and rebates. Its fees, to be parceled out among companies such as Pfizer Inc and Merck & Co Inc, would be delayed from 2010 to 2011, increasing from the initial $2.3 billion a year to $2.7 billion. * Overall, wider insurance coverage could help offset the costs by providing more potential customers. * Drugmakers warded off deeper price cuts in the Medicare program for the elderly. The House had sought to fully close the so-called ‘doughnut hole’ where coverage drops temporarily after reaching a spending limit, but the bill […]
Sunday, March 21st, 2010
Factbox: Winners And Losers In House Healthcare Bill
Source: Reuters
Publication Date: 20-Mar-10
Link: Factbox: Winners And Losers In House Healthcare Bill
Source: Reuters
Publication Date: 20-Mar-10
Link: Factbox: Winners And Losers In House Healthcare Bill
Stephan: On the historical precedent of Social Security, which began as a mediocre bill that got improved over the years, I support this health care bill. It is not really reform, and it does not deal at all with the central reason for the present crisis, which is the Illness Profit model. In no way does this bill replace this model with real health care, but it is a start. And clearly as much as can be gotten through a Congress many of whom have sold themselves to the Illness Profit Industry. If your Senators and Representatives voted for the bill I hope you will support them in the upcoming election, because it took courage to vote for this bill.
My prediction is that the Republicans will rue their stonewalling because the bill, even in this attenuated form, will help millions and will soon be quite popular.
Here is an assessment of the bill that makes my point about the changes, and the preservation of the Illness Profit system. It is my hope that having taken this step we will ultimately do what has to be done.