So where is the Great American Umbrage Machine when we really need it? The microscandal over Williams’s reflections was a top story for days. The outrage over MoveOn and ‘General Betray Us
Friday, December 24th, 2010
Where is Umbrage When You Need It?
Author: Michael Kinsley
Source: Politico
Publication Date: 22-Dec-10
Link: Where is Umbrage When You Need It?
Source: Politico
Publication Date: 22-Dec-10
Link: Where is Umbrage When You Need It?
Stephan: Why do we venerate men who kill multitudes with wild abandon in pursuit of their power dreams? The Viet Nam War was a horrible insane mistake, triggered by a wildly and intentionally distorted event. Is it, as Stalin said, that 'one death is a tragedy, a million is a statistic?' I think this is a very important question to ponder, and this essay raises some of the salient issues.