OBAMA FCC Caves on Net Neutrality — Tuesday Betrayal Assured.

Stephan:  If you follow SR you know I have been covering this trend from the beginning. Now we seem to be coming to a moment of truth. And it looks like another failure of the Obama Administration to honor what it said it would do during the campaign.

Late Monday, a majority of the FCC’s commissioners indicated that they’re going to vote with Chairman Julius Genachowski for a toothless Net Neutrality rule.

According to all reports, the rule, which will be voted on during tomorrow’s FCC meeting, falls drastically short of earlier pledges by President Obama and the FCC Chairman to protect the free and open Internet.

The rule is so riddled with loopholes that it’s become clear that this FCC chairman crafted it with the sole purpose of winning the endorsement of AT&T and cable lobbyists, and not defending the interests of the tens of millions of Internet users.

Welcome to AT&T’s Internet

For the first time in history of telecommunications law the FCC has given its stamp of approval to online discrimination.

Instead of a rule to protect Internet users’ freedom to choose, the Commission has opened the door for broadband payola – letting phone and cable companies charge steep tolls to favor the content and services of a select group of corporate partners, relegating everyone else to the cyber-equivalent of a winding dirt road.

Instead of protecting openness on wireless Internet devices like the iPhone and Droid, the Commission has exempted the mobile Internet from Net Neutrality protections. This move enshrines […]

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America for Sale


In the summer of 2009 I got a call from an acquaintance who worked in the Middle East. He was a young American who worked for something called a sovereign wealth fund, a giant state-owned pile of money that swims around the world in search of things to buy.

Sovereign wealth funds, or SWFs, are huge in the Middle East. Most of the bigger oil-producing states have massive SWFs that act as cash repositories (with holdings often kept in dollars) for the revenues generated by, for instance, state-owned oil companies. Unlike the central banks of most Western countries, whose main function is to accumulate reserves in an attempt to stabilize the domestic currency, most SWFs have a mission to invest aggressively and generate huge long-term returns. Imagine the biggest and most aggressive hedge fund on Wall Street, then imagine that that same fund is fifty or sixty times bigger and outside the reach of the SEC or any other major regulatory authority, and you’ve got a pretty good idea of what an SWF is.

My buddy was a young guy who’d come up working on the derivatives desk of one of the more dastardly American investment banks. After a few years of […]

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Senate GOP’s McConnell Says He’ll Vote Against New START

Stephan:  One can hardly over-emphasize the importance of this treaty. At so many levels, it would take an essay just to outline, it matters. That the Republicans are playing politics with START is so cynical and horrifying, that questions about their unethical behavior must be considered answered. That the public seems to be largely indifferent to the treaty controlling nuclear weapons I mark up to the shortness of public memory unless the pain is immediate. Please write your senators -- the addresses are on the left of the website -- and tell them to vote yes on the START Treaty.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.) announced Sunday that he will vote against a new U.S.-Russia nuclear-arms accord, a move that could pressure other Republicans in what is likely to be a close vote in the next few days.

His statement came as Sen. Jon Kyl (Ariz.), the chamber’s second-ranking Republican, also said he would not support the treaty unless it was amended.

Supporters of the pact played down the announcements, saying they had not expected the senators’ backing. Vice President Biden and senior Democratic senators said the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) still has the votes to pass.

But the statements by the two leaders indicated how precarious passage has become, and how annoyed Republicans appear to be about Democrats’ handling of the lame-duck session. While Kyl had been an outspoken critic of the pact, McConnell had not spoken out against it until Sunday.

Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) signaled Sunday night that he would move ahead with a vote on the treaty despite Republicans’ complaints about a lack of time. Reid filed a motion for cloture, which will probably lead to a final vote between Tuesday and Thursday.

McConnell told CNN that he still has concerns about the treaty’s verification provisions and […]

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Serious Mental Health Needs Seen Growing at Colleges

Stephan:  The stress of life in all groups except the very rich has gone up. Except perhaps in some sections of the country during the Civil War we live at a level of stress that would appall our forebearers. The stress arises in large measure because of the nature of our social system. In other countries, people do not live like this. It's killing us, and these young people in college are telling us that.

STONY BROOK, N.Y. — Rushing a student to a psychiatric emergency room is never routine, but when Stony Brook University logged three trips in three days, it did not surprise Jenny Hwang, the director of counseling.

It was deep into the fall semester, a time of mounting stress with finals looming and the holiday break not far off, an anxiety all its own.

On a Thursday afternoon, a freshman who had been scraping bottom academically posted thoughts about suicide on Facebook. If I were gone, he wrote, would anybody notice? An alarmed student told staff members in the dorm, who called Dr. Hwang after hours, who contacted the campus police. Officers escorted the student to the county psychiatric hospital.

There were two more runs over that weekend, including one late Saturday night when a student grew concerned that a friend with a prescription for Xanax, the anti-anxiety drug, had swallowed a fistful.

On Sunday, a supervisor of residence halls, Gina Vanacore, sent a BlackBerry update to Dr. Hwang, who has championed programs to train students and staff members to intervene to prevent suicide.

‘If you weren’t so good at getting this bystander stuff out there,

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Supreme Court Becoming a Tool for Corporate Interests: Study

Stephan:  We have the most activist Supreme Court in memory. There is no precedent within the past century anyway for such activism from the bench -- except for the slight comparison with William O. Douglas' ecological interests -- particularly for the blatant bias of Thomas, Scalia, and Roberts. A case could be made that historians will date the final demise of true representative democracy in the U.S. from the Citizens United decision, an iconic piece of judicial activism.

Court now sides with Chamber of Commerce two-thirds of the time

Those who have been arguing that the Supreme Court is growing more friendly to corporate interests while becoming less friendly to everyone else will now have statistical ammunition for their arguments.

A study has found that the Supreme Court under Chief Justice John Roberts has undergone a fundamental shift in its outlook, ruling in favor of businesses much more often than previous courts.

According to the Northwestern University study, commissioned for the New York Times, the Roberts court has sided with business interests in 61 percent of relevant cases, compared to 46 percent in the last five years of Chief Justice William Rhenquist, who passed away in 2005.

And the study notes the Rhenquist court itself was considerably more pro-business than earlier courts.

Meanwhile, a second study, from the Constitutional Accountability Center, has charted the growing influence of the US Chamber of Commerce on the courts. The chamber started filing amicus briefs with the top court three decades ago in an effort to prompt more business-friendly rulings.

According to the study, the Roberts Supreme Court has sided with the Chamber 68 percent of the time, up from 56 percent under the Rhenquist court, and noticeably […]

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