WASHINGTON — An impasse between the GOP-controlled U.S. House and the Democrat-controlled Senate over cuts to the Essential Air Service program for rural communities has resulted in a partial shutdown of the Federal Aviation Administration, which regulates the nation’s air transit system.

In Michigan, the impasse means the halt of $36.4 million in airport projects throughout the state, including critical runway and terminal upgrades. The Great Lakes State will also see an unspecified number of FAA employees furloughed until the two legislative chambers can resolve their differences.

Fliers shouldn’t notice a difference when taking to the skies since the nation’s air traffic controllers are considered essential and aren’t among some of the estimated 4,000 FAA employees who are out of work because of the shutdown, though controllers’ paychecks could be delayed.

Some travelers may actually get a boost to their bottom lines, too, since the FAA will be unable to collect taxes while the agency’s revenue and spending functions remain unauthorized through Congress.

The agency has been operating on a series of continuing resolutions for months, but dual policy battles between the split House and Senate were brought to a head this week as broader talks between the two parties continued raging over raising […]

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