Finger Length Gives Away Penis Size

Stephan:  Not a trend, but a point of endless discussion.

You may want to get your ruler out at this point. South Korean researchers have discovered that there’s a link between finger length and the length of a man’s penis.

The Gacheon University Gil Hospital team discovered that the ratio between the second and fourth digits on a man’s right hand seems to correlate to the length of his ‘flaccid and stretched’ organ.

(Makes you wince, doesn’t it? – but apparently they did that bit under anaesthetic.)

A lower index-to-ring finger length ratio indicates a longer penis, they found. But they note that the study was carried out only on Korean men, who apparently have slightly smaller todgers than other racial groups. The correlation might not apply elsewhere.

Other characteristics, such as sexual preference and even attractiveness, have also been linked in the past to finger length, which is established in the womb.

‘During the fetal period, high concentrations of testosterone lead to high testicular activity, resulting in a lower digit ratio,’ says the team.

There’s good news, though, for those with longer index fingers than ring fingers. According to a separate study from researchers in the UK, they’re less likely to get prostate cancer.

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Tundra Fires And Climate Change: More Bad News

Stephan:  The arctic tundra is burning and it is going to get much worse. I predict it will have no impact on Congress.

It may be cold up there in the Arctic, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t burn. And as the planet gets warmer, tundra fires are not only becoming more common, they may also shift a huge amount of carbon from the soil into the atmosphere, a new study reports.

Back in 2007, lightning struck the remote North Slope of Alaska, igniting the largest fire to hit the region since modern recording began in the 1950s. The fire burned for nearly three months until snowfall finally put it out in October. It left behind a charred scar of 400 square miles - big enough to see from space.
A satellite image of the burn scar left by the Anaktuvuk River Fire. Source: NASA
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A satellite image of the burn scar left by the Anaktuvuk River Fire. Source: NASA

The fire didn’t get much press coverage in the lower 48 at the time, but it did catch the eye of ecologists studying the global carbon balance.

The 2007 fire, they found, sent as much stored carbon up in smoke as the entire arctic tundra stores in a year, researchers report in an article published yesterday in Nature.

Michelle Mack, a biologist from the University of […]

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Japan Passes Law To Cleanse Internet Of ‘Bad’ Fukushima Radiation News

Stephan:  Those of us who live in the Pacific Northwest, and who are breathing in 'hot' particles from Fukushima have a particular interest in knowing what is going on over there. The Japanese government and the Virtual Corporate States who influence Japan as much as the U.S., and who have a common interest with the government in covering up the corruption and incompetence so abundantly displayed in these events have no interest in making it possible for us to find out.

apan has passed a law that will enable the police and contractors to monitor internet activity without restriction to ‘cleanse’ the Internet of any ‘bad’ Fukushima radiation news.

As I previous reported, Japan has officially ordered the censorship of any reporting of the truth about the Fukushima nuclear radiation fallout by ordering telecommunications companies and web masters to scrub any stories negative stories from the about the disaster.

Japan Officially Orders Censorship Of Truth About Fukushima Nuclear Radiation Disaster

The government of Japan has issued an official order to telecommunications companies and web masters to censor reports which contradict the state media reports that the Fukushima nuclear radiation disaster is over.

Japan Government Officially Censors Truth About Fukushima Nuclear Radiation Disaster

The supposedly free democratic nation of Japan, which supposedly values and promotes freedom of speech, has officially issued orders to telecommunication companies and webmasters to remove content from websites that counter the official government position that the disaster is over and there is no more threat from the radiation.

The government charges that the damage caused by earthquakes and by […]

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US Cities Face Water-related Climate Dangers


BOSTON, July 26 (Reuters) – Rising sea waters may threaten U.S. coastal cities later this century, while the Midwest and East Coast are at high risk for intense storms, and the West’s water supplies could be compromised.

These are among the expected water-related effects of climate change on 12 cities across the nation over the remainder of the century, according to a study released on Tuesday by the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), a leading environmental group.

‘A lot of people think of climate change in the global context, but they don’t think about the local impact climate change might have, particularly on water-related issues,’ said Steve Fleischli, a senior attorney with NRDC’s water program.

In the coming decades, Miami, New Orleans and Norfolk, Virginia were expected to be the coastal cities hardest hit by flooding and storm surges due to rising sea levels, the group said.

In Boston, where the city’s airport is flanked by water, historic landmarks and critical transportation infrastructure were at a greater risk of flooding due to rising sea levels.

Los Angeles, Seattle and San Francisco will face similar danger from rising waters, according to the report.

The NRDC said climate change was making heat waves, floods and droughts more severe. […]

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In 3 Countries, Challenging the Vatican on Female Priests

Stephan:  I take this as good news for believing Catholics. I think the Church has three choices: evolve, wither, or schism. The first stages of this rising recalls for me abolition, the suffrage movement, and civil rights.

More than 150 Roman Catholic priests in the United States have signed a statement in support of a fellow cleric who faces dismissal for participating in a ceremony that purported to ordain a woman as a priest, in defiance of church teaching.

The Rev. Roy Bourgeois has received letters from the Vatican threatening dismissal for his role in a ceremony that purported to ordain Janice Sevre-Duszynska, far right, as a priest.

The American priests’ action follows closely on the heels of a ‘Call to Disobedience

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