Caltech Creates First Artificial Neural Network From DNA

Stephan:  All of this is happening under the radar of most of the media, but the implications are profound. SOURCE:

One of the things that our brains excel at is the ability to recognize what things are, even when presented with an incomplete set of data. If we know only that an animal is sold in pet stores and stuffs food in its cheeks, for instance, we can be pretty certain that the animal in question is a hamster. Now, for the first time ever, researchers at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) have created a DNA-based artificial neural network that can do the same thing … albeit on a very basic level. They believe that it could have huge implications for the development of true artificial intelligence.

The neural network is made up of just four artificial neurons, as opposed to the human brain’s 100 billion real ones.

To test the network, the scientists played a game with it. That game started with the network being trained to ‘know’ four scientists, each one identifiable by a unique combination of yes/no answers to the same four questions (such as ‘Is the scientist British?’). Human players then chose one of those scientists, and provided the network with an incomplete set of the identifying answers. They did this by dropping DNA strands that were […]

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150 Human Animal Hybrids Grown in UK Labs: Embryos Produced Secretively for the Past Three Years

Stephan:  This research is about creating man made species, and it presents this ethical challenge: how much human DNA constitutes an organism being human? The implications of this research are quite disturbing. Suppose you created an ape that could speak, had an I.Q. of say 85, and could be trained to work in mines? Would that be o.k. with you.

Scientists have created more than 150 human-animal hybrid embryos in British laboratories.

The hybrids have been produced secretively over the past three years by researchers looking into possible cures for a wide range of diseases.

The revelation comes just a day after a committee of scientists warned of a nightmare ‘Planet of the Apes’ scenario in which work on human-animal creations goes too far.
Undercover: Scientists have been growing human animal hybrids in secret for the last three years (Posed by models)

Undercover: Scientists have been growing human animal hybrids in secret for the last three years (Posed by models)

Last night a campaigner against the excesses of medical research said he was disgusted that scientists were ‘dabbling in the grotesque’.

Figures seen by the Daily Mail show that 155 ‘admixed’ embryos, containing both human and animal genetic material, have been created since the introduction of the 2008 Human Fertilisation Embryology Act.

This legalised the creation of a variety of hybrids, including an animal egg fertilised by a human sperm; ‘cybrids’, in which a human nucleus is implanted into an animal cell; and ‘chimeras’, in which human cells are mixed with animal embryos.

Scientists say the techniques can be used to develop embryonic stem cells which can […]

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Creationist Seeks to Debunk Scientific Fact at Dane County Fair

Stephan:  I selected this story not because it is unusual but because this kind of scene is playing out all across the country. When you have a population this willfully ignorant -- note the comment about how many people approved of this woman's arguments -- is it any wonder that American science education is in tatters, and falling behind the science education programs in other technologically advanced nations? This kind of militant religious stupidity is part of the overall trend of America's decline.

Just down from the Tupperware booth, and across from the demonstration kitchen for ‘The Original Waterless Cookware,’ Mary Weigand promotes something very different at the Dane County Fair.

The part-time nurse from West Bend seeks to convince people that the universe is only 6,000 years old and that Charles Darwin was wrong. Her booth proclaims Christianity and evolution incompatible.

‘Can you believe in evolution when God says he created the world and everything in it in six days?’ she asked. ‘There’s really nothing to reinterpret.’

Weigand, 48, said she’s spending $680 this year for a booth for five days, the second year she’s been at the Dane County Fair. She also plans to be at fairs this year in Waukesha, Sheboygan, Washington and Ozaukee counties.

She is self-funded, with financial help from others who believe as she does, she said.

Donald Waller, a UW-Madison botany professor who studies evolutionary biology, was dismayed to learn of the booth’s existence from a reporter.

‘I think it’s a testament to the power of belief and the difference between belief and science,’ Waller said. ‘She is asking that the physical laws of the universe be changed to accommodate her views.’

Techniques such as radioactive isotope dating repeatedly conclude that some geological […]

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Drought Withers Smallest Hay Crop in Century

Stephan:  Another data point on the growing food crisis trend.

The smallest U.S. hay crop in more than a century is withering under a record Texas drought, boosting the cost of livestock feed for dairy farmers and beef producers from California to Maryland.

The price of alfalfa, the most common hay variety, surged 51 percent in the past year, reaching a record $186 a short ton in May, government data show. Hay and grass make up about half of what cattle eat over their lifetimes, so parched pastures are forcing ranchers to find alternative sources of feed, pushing some spot-market corn to the highest ever.

Farmers in Oklahoma and in Texas, the biggest producer of hay and cattle, may harvest only one crop from alfalfa and Bermuda grass this year, compared with three normally, said Larry Redmon, a state forage specialist at Texas A&M University. Cattle that usually graze on fields through September or October are instead being sold to feedlots, where they are confined in pens and eat mostly corn.

‘We’re just running out of grass,

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Banning Corporate Personhood: How Communities Are Taking the Law Back From Big Companies


These last few days for gas drilling news in New York as been critical and a new level of urgency has been reached as the country watches how New York defines and decides its fate, the future of its famous unfiltered water supply, and communities in the directly impacted regions, whether for or against drilling are forging ahead to determine their immediate future and that for future generations.

It’s coming down to Home Rule and self-determination as a way to protect municipalities from fracking. As the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) releases New Recommendations for Drilling in New York explained in the Supplemental Generic Environmental Impact Statement (SGEIS) released a few days ago, environmental groups, like Catskill Mountainkeeper are calling for a statewide ban and municipalities organize to decide the fate of their towns.

One of the important and positive points in the otherwise very problematic and potentially dangerous draft, combined with a governor apparently wanting to surge forward with gas extraction is this: ‘Local Land Use & Zoning: Applicant must certify that a proposed activity is consistent with local land use and zoning laws. Failure to certify or a challenge by a locality would trigger additional DEC review before […]

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