Sunday, October 30th, 2011
Editor’s Cautionary Note
Stephan: SR reader Damien Broderick has sent me some material about Rossi -- see yesterday's SR -- which gives me pause. It suggests that he has some criminal issues in his past. It would take an awfully ingenious scam to befuddle so many scientists, but it could be done. In the end Rossi will either commercialize this technology, as he claims or he will not. When it runs for months and months, producing over unity power, all questions as to its validity will be answered. Exactly what is going on in the process, may take longer.
I post this note because part of my commitment to my readers is that I make available what I learn, even if I have to correct myself. It isn't clear that I have to here, but this is a cautionary note that I might.
-- Stephan