Score One for the Crony Capitalists in the School Lunch Program

Stephan:  Yet another example of how the desires of corporate special interests trump the needs of the American population. To the special interests children are little valves to open access to public tax monies -- each child a profit center. The fact this diet, as described, results in their suffering from obesity, and a host of lifestyle diseases such as diabetes is actually desirable for the special interests because these illnesses are the way the Illness Profit System also uses the children as profit centers. The entire process chain is disgusting and immoral.

Pizza remains a vegetable and you can have as many greasy fries as you like, all thanks to Congress.

What kind of country allows what appears to be open financial corruption to poison its children’s school lunches? The answer seems to be our country.

Last January, the USDA made a feeble attempt to improve the situation by making school lunches healthier through better Dietary Guidelines. As we reported then, the agency’s goals of including more vegetables and whole grains in the lunch program were laudable. But USDA officials didn’t pay attention to real nutrition research, and ended up advocating a diet that can actually make people obese.

Unfortunately, other government food programs also rely on USDA guidelines and have notably poor nutrition plans. For example, the government WIC (Women, Infants, and Children) program includes soy-based infant formula as an alternative to milk-despite the documented dangers to infants from soy chemicals mimicking estrogen or other hormones.

In general, the USDA, which seems more concerned with getting food sold than making our children healthy, gets a very poor grade as a nutrition advisor. But it gets worse. Far worse.

Congress just passed an appropriations bill including a particular rider (an additional provision added to a bill which […]

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Red Families vs. Blue Families

Stephan:  This excellent essay will help you to understand what is going on in this country. This is the source of the schism that is tearing the U.S. apart.

Today’s culture wars are framed largely around family values. Red families and blue families each hold true to their beliefs and admit little room for compromise. But what are the differences between the two sides and how are they expressed? Naomi Cahn and June Carbone investigate the question in their book ‘Red Families v. Blue Families: Legal Polarization and the Creation of Culture,’ published by Oxford University Press. The distinctions are revealed especially in the way each side views sex, marriage and divorce. Blue families have adapted to the post-industrial economy and its resulting social changes while red families tend to lag in the new economy and resist the reshaping of values. Cahn is a professor of law at George Washington University Law School, and Carbone holds the chair of law, the constitution and society at the University of Missouri at Kansas City.

— Steven E. Levingston

Blue families, in order to make it possible to invest in women as well as men, defer marriage and childbearing, and reap the advantages from older partners’ greater emotional maturity and financial independence. The ‘bluest

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Congress Ends 2011 With Record-Low 11% Approval

Stephan:  A nation which has 7.2 million people in prison, on probation, or on parole; one third of its young being arrested; 50 million without health insurance; and a Congress of which 89 per cent of the population disapproves is a very sick country. One has to wonder how bad it has to get before we as citizens do something about it, beginning with voting at levels never before seen. Click through to see the several charts.

PRINCETON, NJ — A new record-low 11% of Americans approve of the job Congress is doing, the lowest single rating in Gallup’s history of asking this question since 1974. This earns Congress a 17% yearly average for 2011, the lowest annual congressional approval rating in Gallup history.

The record-low 11% rating is based on a Gallup survey conducted Dec. 15-18, and comes at a time when Congress is wrangling once again at the last minute over extensions of a payroll tax holiday, unemployment benefits, and higher pay for Medicare doctors.

This discord in Washington caps off a year in which Congress fought bitterly before reaching a last-minute agreement to lift the debt ceiling, instructing a bipartisan supercommittee to cut more than $1 trillion from federal spending by the end of November. That objective was not reached, and the supercommittee ultimately announced that it could not reach an agreement, and disbanded.

The previous low Gallup reading for congressional job approval was 13%, recorded in August, October, and November of this year, and in December 2010. The highest approval rating for Congress is 84% in October 2001, a month after the terrorist attacks on New York City and Washington, D.C.

The current 86% disapproval rating for […]

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Larger Waistlines Mean Smaller Capacity For Commercial Water Transit

Stephan:  This story got zero national coverage, but it is telling us something very important about the obesity trend in the U.S. This is part of the decline in national wellness. This excess weight also means a host of lifestyle diseases are increasing, further enriching the Illness Profit System. For some reason most people cannot seem to make the connection; I hope my SR readers do.

SAVANNAH, Ga. (CBS Atlanta) – The United States Coast Guard has scaled back the maximum number of passengers allowed on a given ferry, resulting in a lower maximum capacity rate for commercial vessels such as the Savannah Belles Ferry.

According to documents provided to CBS Atlanta by the U.S. Coast Guard, the final rule for the ‘Passenger Weight and Inspected Vessel Stability Requirements

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