Stephan: As this report concludes, the Founders were very careful to build a firewall between church and state. Anything else produces bad social outcomes. Throughout the world, in Turkey, Pakistan, Israel, Egypt and dozen other countries -- very much including the United States -- theocratic rightists are attempting to weld a particular view of a particular faith to the state. As Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot all understood you start with the schools. An indoctrinated youth in most cases becomes a compliant adult. Bad social outcomes occur when church and state are linked.
Have learnt this lesson, I think, the European states, after almost a millennia of constant wars, in which religion was a huge factor, decided this linkage was a bad idea, and a new critical consensus emerged: religion should be entirely a matter of personal choice having nothing at all to do with the state. I believe that is why the European nations have very low rates of religiosity. The Founders knew this, because they or their families had direct experience with the violence and conflict religion produces, when church and state are intertwined.
Last month, 8,000 public high school students in Montgomery County, Maryland, went home with fliers informing them that no one is ‘born gay’ and offering therapy if they experienced ‘unwanted same-sex attraction’.
The group behind the flier, Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays and Gays (PFOX), isn’t the kind one expects to find represented in student backpacks. Peter Sprigg, a board member of PFOX who doubles as a senior fellow at the Family Research Council, recently told Chris Matthews that he believes ‘gay behavior’ should be ‘criminalized’. PFOX president Greg Quinlan told another talk show host that gays and lesbians practice ‘sexual cannibalism’.
A number of Montgomery County parents, understandably concerned about the unusual flier, filed a letter of complaint with the school district. ‘Everything in this flier makes it sound like the goal is to be ex-gay,’ said Ms Yount-Merrell, mother of a high-schooler. ‘It reiterates a societal view that there’s something wrong with you