[When I was 12] they gave me my first knife. Week after week I was cutting myself. Every week I had a new scar. My hands have a lot of stories.
Monday, April 2nd, 2012
Citing ‘Tradition,’ Big Ag Fights Reforms for Child Farmworkers
Source: Firedoglake
Publication Date: Thursday March 29, 2012 7:26 pm
Link: Citing ‘Tradition,’ Big Ag Fights Reforms for Child Farmworkers
Source: Firedoglake
Publication Date: Thursday March 29, 2012 7:26 pm
Link: Citing ‘Tradition,’ Big Ag Fights Reforms for Child Farmworkers
Stephan: Years ago I worked for a week as a farm laborer, to try and understand what that work was really about. It almost killed me. I cannot convey the pain I experienced in my body from hours of being bent over, out in the sun, with constant performance pressure. My hands were cut in a hundred places. It was one of the most awful experiences in my life. I could not believe people did this as a living, and was amazed at the good cheer of the workers, mostly Blacks and Hispanics, some almost certainly underage, who were housed like dogs and paid paltry sums, and did this day after day. The position of Big Agra is so immoral I am left breathless.