How to Start Your Own Power Company, Stop Coal and Nukes, and Transform Your City

Stephan:  This is a wonderful story and it could be done in your town or mine -- I am going to try and see if we can do it in mine. Ursula Sladek speaks truth in this interview. Read it closely.

Ursula Sladek, a 2011 Goldman Environmental Prize recipient, is the co-founder and president of EWS, one of Europe’s largest cooperatively owned green energy companies. Motivated by the nuclear fallout from Chernobyl in 1986, the schoolteacher and mother of five from the small town of Schönau (population 2,382) in Germany’s Black Forest region – along with her husband Michael and a group of concerned parents – unsuccessfully lobbied her regional power company to adopt conservation measures, to no avail. After over 10 years of citizen activism and two referendums, Sladek and her small-town energy rebels were able to take over the local grid and start a community-run power co-op.

With total sales reaching 67 million euro in 2009, EWS has long outgrown its local market. While Schönau boasts three times the national average in photovoltaics, 20 cogeneration units, two hydroelectric plants, and a windmill, EWS today provides power from over 1,800 solar, hydroelectric, wind, biomass and cogeneration facilities to 115,000 homes and businesses throughout Germany and Europe. With the Merkel government’s recent decision to phase out nuclear energy by 2022 and a targeted switch to 100 percent renewables by 2050, the former rebels suddenly find themselves at the vanguard of a new […]

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Man Whose WMD Lies Led to 100,000 Deaths Confesses All

Stephan:  Here is the latest revelation concerning the Bush-Cheney elective war. Its beginnings represent an extended act of fraud, and war crime. I find it very interesting that there has been virtually no coverage of this story -- note that I got it from an British newspaper.

A man whose lies helped to make the case for invading Iraq – starting a nine-year war costing more than 100,000 lives and hundreds of billions of pounds – will come clean in his first British television interview tomorrow.

‘Curveball’, the Iraqi defector who fabricated claims about Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction, smiles as he confirms how he made the whole thing up. It was a confidence trick that changed the course of history, with Rafid Ahmed Alwan al-Janabi’s lies used to justify the Iraq war.

He tries to defend his actions: ‘My main purpose was to topple the tyrant in Iraq because the longer this dictator remains in power, the more the Iraqi people will suffer from this regime’s oppression.’

The chemical engineer claimed to have overseen the building of a mobile biological laboratory when he sought political asylum in Germany in 1999. His lies were presented as ‘facts and conclusions based on solid intelligence’ by Colin Powell, US Secretary of State, when making the case for war at the UN Security Council in February 2003.

But Mr Janabi, speaking in a two-part series, Modern Spies, starting tomorrow on BBC2, says none of it was true. When it is put to him ‘we […]

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Genetically Modified Crops Safety Assessments: Present Limits and Possible Improvements




We reviewed 19 studies of mammals fed with commercialized genetically modified soybean and maize which represent, per trait and plant, more than 80% of all environmental genetically modified organisms (GMOs) cultivated on a large scale, after they were modified to tolerate or produce a pesticide. We have also obtained the raw data of 90-day-long rat tests following court actions or official requests. The data obtained include biochemical blood and urine parameters of mammals eating GMOs with numerous organ weights and histopathology findings.

We have thoroughly reviewed these tests from a statistical and a biological point of view. Some of these tests used controversial protocols which are discussed and statistically significant results that were considered as not being biologically meaningful by regulatory authorities, thus raising the question of their interpretations.

Several convergent data appear to indicate liver and kidney problems as end points of GMO diet effects in the above-mentioned experiments. This was confirmed by our meta-analysis of all the in vivo studies published, which revealed that the kidneys were particularly affected, concentrating 43.5% of all disrupted parameters in males, whereas the liver was more specifically disrupted in females (30.8% of all disrupted parameters).

The 90-day-long tests are insufficient to evaluate […]

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Exclusive: Why Can’t You Smoke Pot? Because Lobbyists Are Getting Rich Off of the War on Drugs

Stephan:  There is nothing surprising in this for anyone who has been reading SR for a while. But I am publishing it, because it begins to tell the truth about the role of lobbyists in America's insane war on drugs, particularly marijuana. And also because I want you to think about what this is saying, and realize that literally hundreds of thousands of your fellow citizens have had their lives destroyed so that these leeches can get rich. The level of corruption in this country is so vast it is invisible, because it is the norm.

John Lovell is a lobbyist who makes a lot of money from making sure you can’t smoke a joint. That’s his job. He’s a lobbyist for the police unions in Sacramento, and he is a driving force behind grabbing Federal dollars to shut down the California marijuana industry. I’ll get to the evidence on this important story in a bit, but first, some context.

At some point in the distant past, the war on drugs might have been popular. But not anymore – the polling is clear, but beyond that, the last three Presidents have used illegal drugs. So why do we still put hundreds of thousands of people in steel cages for pot-related offenses? Well, there are many reasons, but one of them is, of course, money in politics. Corruption. Whatever you want to call it, it’s why you can’t smoke a joint without committing a crime, though of course you can ingest any number of pills or drinks completely within the law.

Some of the groups who want to keep the drug illegal are police unions that want more members to pay more dues. One of the primary sources for cash for more policing activities are Federal grants for penalizing […]

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Mushrooms Could Reduce Breast Cancer Risk by 64%

Stephan:  If I were a woman with a familial history of breast cancer I think I would make this dietary adjustment. It's hardly an onerous choice, and easily becomes part of a healthy diet. Andy Weil has written extensively about mushrooms.

A small portion of mushrooms every day could slash the risk of breast cancer by two thirds, research has found. But when combined with drinking green tea regularly, the risk is cut by 9 per cent, it is claimed. Scientists found that women who ate at least 10g – around a third of an ounce – of fresh mushrooms daily were 64 per cent less likely to develop a potentially fatal tumour. Dried mushrooms had a slightly less protective effect, reducing the risk by around half. Experts at the University of Western Australia in Perth analysed the eating habits of more than 2,000 women in China, half of whom had suffered breast cancer.

The researchers concluded: ‘Higher intake of mushrooms decreased cancer risk in both pre- and post-menopausal Chinese women.

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