According to the Organic Consumers Association post just yesterday on their official Facebook page, Monsanto is trying another sneak attack on the American people. Their website stated, ‘The House Farm Bill contains HR 872, the so-called Reducing Regulatory Burdens Act, which stops the EPA from reviewing new and expanded uses of pesticides and requires the USDA to make the approval of new genetically engineered crops easier and faster, limiting USDA review to 180 days. While the USDA has never rejected a new GMO crop, public opposition, environmental concerns and litigation to protect farmers have slowed new approvals. This bill, to give Monsanto and the other biotechnology companies a free pass for new GMOs, includes a provision limiting USDA environmental review to a narrow evaluation of plant pest risks, even though the courts have ruled that a full environmental impact statement is required and must take into consideration the real threats of GMO crops, including ‘the potential elimination of a farmer’s choice to grow non-genetically engineered crops, or a consumer’s choice to eat non-genetically engineered food.’

If you do not know who Monsanto is then here is a brief introduction. They are the makers of Round up, the world’s deadliest herbicide. They […]

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