One prominent strain shaping American reaction to the protests in the Muslim world is bafflement, and even anger, that those Muslims are not more grateful to the US. After all, goes this thinking, the US bestowed them with the gifts of freedom and democracy – the very rights they are now exercising – so how could they possibly be anything other than thankful? Under this worldview, it is especially confounding that the US, their savior and freedom-provider, would be the target of their rage.
On Wednesday, USA Today published an article with the headline ‘After attacks in Egypt and Libya, USA Today asks: Why?’ The paper appeared to tell its readers that it was the US that freed the Egyptian people from tyranny:
‘Attacks in Libya that left four US diplomats dead – including Ambassador Christopher Stevens – and a mob invasion of the US Embassy in Cairo, in which the US flag was torn to shreds, have left many to wonder: How can people the USA helped free from murderous dictators treat it in such a way?’
Did you know that the ‘USA helped free’ Egyptians from their murderous dictator? On Thursday night, NBC News published a nine-minute […]