Saturday, September 22nd, 2012
Stephan: This is the level of racist hate the pervades the Republican Party, particularly in the South. Those of us who believe and support a compassionate life-affirming vision for our country must stand against this poison. I see stories like this almost everyday but I choose to ignore them, not wishing to give them currency. However, I think I may be wrong. That the state leader of one of our major parties not only believes this vile nonsense, but propounds it publicly, should be a matter of concern to every citizen. It tells us something has seriously gone awry in our political system. It reminds me of The Protocols of Zion.
The head of the Alabama Republican Party this week threw his support behind one of the most far-fetched theories of the already bizarre birther movement.
Speaking to a group of GOP diehards on Wednesday in Fairhope, Ala., party Chair Bill Armistead raved about a film called ‘Dreams From My Real Father.