What Motivates Rejection of (Climate) Science?

Stephan:  When I first started writing about willful ignorance almost 10 years ago people would write and tell me 'You're wrong, no one is ignorant by choice.' Now it is obvious.

Researchers from The University of Western Australia have examined what motivates people who are greatly involved in the climate debate to reject scientific evidence.

The study Motivated Rejection of Science, to be published in Psychological Science, was designed to investigate what motivates the rejection of science in visitors to climate blogs who choose to participate in the ongoing public debate about climate change.

More than 1000 visitors to blogs dedicated to discussions of climate science completed a questionnaire that queried people’s belief in a number of scientific questions and conspiracy theories, including: Princess Diana’s death was not an accident; the Apollo moon landings never happened; HIV causes AIDS; and smoking causes lung cancer. The study also considered the interplay of these responses with the acceptance of climate science, free market ideology and the belief that previous environmental problems have been resolved.

The results showed that those who subscribed to one or more conspiracy theories or who strongly supported a free market economy were more likely to reject the findings from climate science as well as other sciences.

The researchers, led by UWA School of Psychology Professor Stephan Lewandowsky, found that free-market ideology was an overwhelmingly strong determinant of the rejection of climate science. It […]

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American Prison Labor Means Longer Unemployment Lines

Stephan:  This is the latest and completely predictable development of the new American slavery. This is a powerful and corrosive trend, one that is happening almost without a public conversation. It eats away at the integrity of the country drip-by-drip, day-by-day.

Two southeast companies that make U.S. military uniforms are shedding hundreds of jobs, as the government looks to federal inmates for the fatigues.

American Power Source makes military clothing in Fayette, Ala., but its government contract expires in October. Federal Prison Industries – which also operates under the name UNICOR will snag the work, and leave the task to inmates. FPI has the first right of refusal for U.S. Government contracts, under a 1930 federal law.

American Apparel, the Selma, Ala., based military clothing manufacturer closed one of its plants and continues to downsize others due to the loss of some of its contracts to FPI. According retired Air Force colonel and spokesman Kurt Wilson, the company laid off 255 employees and cut the hours of 190 employees this year alone. So private workers end up losing their jobs to prisoners.

‘The way the law is – Federal Prison Industries gets first dibs and contracts up to a certain percentage before they have to compete against us,’ Wilson, the executive vice president of business development and government affairs, said. ‘The army combat uniform, for instance, is an item that they take off the top. As a result American tax payers pay more for […]

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A First: Organs Tailor-Made With Body’s Own Cells

Stephan:  I have been predicting this for several years, and see this report as very good news, indeed. This is going to be a major part of the new medicine, and will end the vile trade in human organs, and the rapacious mark ups on anti-reaction drugs organ recipients are required to pay.

STOCKHOLM - Andemariam Beyene sat by the hospital window, the low Arctic sun on his face, and talked about the time he thought he would die.

Two and a half years ago doctors in Iceland, where Mr. Beyene was studying to be an engineer, discovered a golf-ball-size tumor growing into his windpipe. Despite surgery and radiation, it kept growing. In the spring of 2011, when Mr. Beyene came to Sweden to see another doctor, he was practically out of options. ‘I was almost dead,

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Boy Scouts Helped Alleged Molesters Cover Tracks, Files Show

Stephan:  The Boy Scouts -- I was an eagle scout -- you would think would be unusually diligent about pedophiles. You would be wrong. We are about to go through another lengthy revelation concerning the Scouts and child abuse, a smaller version of the Catholic Church's travails. The hypocrisy of this conservative male dominated institutions should be a great teaching for our society. Whether this will be true or not is not clear.

Over two decades, the Boy Scouts of America failed to report hundreds of alleged child molesters to police and often hid the allegations from parents and the public.

A Los Angeles Times review of 1,600 confidential files dating from 1970 to 1991 has found that Scouting officials frequently urged admitted offenders to quietly resign – and helped many cover their tracks.

Volunteers and employees suspected of abuse were allowed to leave citing bogus reasons such as business demands, ‘chronic brain dysfunction’ and duties at a Shakespeare festival.

Documents: A paper trail of abuse

The details are contained in the organization’s confidential ‘perversion files,’ a blacklist of alleged molesters, that the Scouts have used internally since 1919. Scouts’ lawyers around the country have been fighting in court to keep the files from public view.

As The Times reported in August, the blacklist often didn’t work: Men expelled for alleged abuses slipped back into the program, only to be accused of molesting again. Now, a more extensive review has shown that Scouts sometimes abetted molesters by keeping allegations under wraps.

In the majority of cases, the Scouts learned of alleged abuse after it had been reported to authorities. But in more than 500 instances, the Scouts learned about […]

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5 Diseases on the Move in North America, Thanks to Climate Change

Stephan:  Climate change is not just about polar bears, and pine trees. The effects are appearing across the breadth of every ecosystem, with some nasty consequences for humans.

When we consider the future effects of climate change in the United States, we sometimes think super-hurricanes, intense wildfires and a cinematic dystopia [3] featuring robotic Haley Joel Osment racing around flooded Manhattan. However, we may want to put the scuba-lessons aside and consider a lesser-known threat from rising temperatures and erratic weather. Experts note that climate change may also be impacting certain environmentally sensitive diseases, and not in a way that will have us breathing easier.

Just how are rising water-levels and steamier temperatures playing with the planet’s pathogens? As the Environmental Protection Agency notes [4], disease-causing agents are passed on through food, water and animals such as ‘deer, birds, mice and insects.

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