In audio obtained from a Family Council fundraiser in Anchorage, Alaska, Truthout has learned that a number of right-wing religious groups, including Focus on the Family, have been working with the Koch brothers to target voters across the country using their multimillion-dollar voter database known as Themis.

At a fundraiser held at the Anchorage Middle Eastern restaurant Aladdin’s last week, Focus on the Family-associated Alaska Family Council President Jim Minnery laid out his plans for the future of the religious right – and why there was a movie-size poster of the arch-conservative businessmen Charles and David Koch on an easel by the door.

The Alaska Family Council (AFC) is a Focus on the Family-related group, as the AFC explains on its own web site: ‘Throughout each stage of its development, the Alaska Family Council has worked closely with Focus on the Family, one of the most respected and effective pro-family organizations in the country.’ AFC’s Minnery is a relative to Focus on the Family’s Senior Vice President Tom Minnery. Tom Minnery is not only the VP of Focus, but also runs its affiliate, the advocacy organization CitizenLink.

Focus on the Family has been at the forefront of fighting LGBT rights across the country, […]

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