Thursday, November 29th, 2012
Stephan: This story I selected because it makes a very important point. When people talk about government benefits and the poor it is always couched in terms that the poor are lazy and become dependent, and ought not be given such things as medicare, medicaid, social security, or at least they should be restricted to lesser benefits. The current news is filled with conservatives talking about cutting entitlements, as if that is a kind of tough love that is needed to push the poor into trying harder. The fact that most of the poor are working anywhere from one to four jobs, and that many are single mothers just gets glossed over.
But that is not the worst of it. If there is anything more hypocritical than some corporate millionaire or billionaire whose individual benefits -- tax shelters, off-shore accounts, lower tax rates for invested income, etc. -- might support several thousand poor people blathering on about how entitlements must be cut I cannot imagine what it might be. Such people deserve a particularly loathsome pit in the depths of hell.
But even that is not the worst of it. That is reserved for this particularly egregious rigging of the system, as this report describes. Ronlyn and I do not shop at Walmart and I urge you to similarly drop them from your list of shopping venues.
Representative-elect Alan Grayson (D-FL) said Monday that he will put mega-retailer Walmart squarely in his sights during the next Congress for the company’s liberal use of public assistance programs to supplement their workers’ wages.
Speaking to Current TV host Cenk Uygur on Monday’s episode of ‘The Young Turks,