Saturday, January 12th, 2013
Stephan: Here is another story that makes me feel better about things. Traditional poultry operations are vile; the conditions of the birds a form of animal torture; and the hormones, and antibiotics used in such operations threaten humans. But for the agricultural chemical and pharmaceutical corporations who make these things such methods are incredibly profitable.
But, if we change are values, alternatives present themselves, as this report makes clear.
FREDERICKSBURG, Pa. — The smell of oregano wafting from Scott Sechler’s office is so strong that anyone visiting Bell & Evans these days could be forgiven for wondering whether Mr. Sechler has forsaken the production of chicken and gone into pizza.
Oregano lies loose in trays and tied into bunches on tabletops and counters, and a big, blue drum that held oregano oil stands in the corner. ‘Have you ever tried oregano tea?