Wednesday, January 2nd, 2013
Stephan: Here is a lovely story of what's possible.
As the new Richardsville Elementary School rose from its foundations on a rural road north of Bowling Green, Ky., fourth-grader Colton Hendrick was watching closely.
He would climb to the top of the playground equipment across the street and watch construction crews hauling in bamboo flooring and solar panels.
‘He wants to be an architect some day,
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Wednesday, January 2nd, 2013
ARTURO GARCIA, - The Raw Story
Stephan: Here is the latest Red value state effort driven by the Theocratic Right to control women, and deprive them, particularly poor women, of decent health care. The state's social outcome measures -- from infant mortality to child abuse, to healthcare -- reflect a second world country on the skids; and based on the recent election that seems to be what the majority of Texans want.
But immigrants, both Caucasians and others, to Texas are changing this. I think Texas in the mid-term future is going to be a place of enormous political volatility as conservative Whites seek to resist the changes that these more socially progressive immigrants will precipitate.
A state judge ruled on Monday that Texas should be allowed to cut off funding to the state’s Planned Parenthood programs.
The Associated Press reported that, per the ruling of visiting Judge Gary Harger, Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas will be excluded from the state’s version of the Medicaid Women’s Health Program, which is set to launch Tuesday.
‘It is shocking that once again Texas officials are letting politics jeopardize health care access for women,
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Tuesday, January 1st, 2013
SHAUNA THEEL, - Media Matters
Stephan: The disinformation operation run by Fox News is contemptible at so many levels, and the following are examples of how bad it gets. Click through and you can see the videos of them actually saying these things.
In contrast to official temperature records showing a consistent warming trend, Fox Business reporters have claimed that the ‘temperature basically hasn’t changed much since the ice age’ and that it’s actually ‘getting colder.’ Fox News figures have also denied the scientific consensus that human activity is driving climate change, claiming that carbon dioxide ‘literally cannot cause global warming’ and suggesting that ‘Mars wobbles’ or ‘wind farms’ may be causing it instead. Those are just some of the 10 dumbest things Fox News, Fox Business and their websites said about climate change in 2012:
1. Fox Reporter: ‘The Temperature Basically Hasn’t Changed Much Since The Ice Age.’ During the Ice Age, much of North America, northern Europe and southern South America were covered with ice sheets. Natural climate cycles led to the end of the Ice Age tens of thousands of years ago. In the last century, temperatures have increased dramatically as a result of our massive emissions of greenhouse gases. Yet Fox Business reporter Tracy Byrnes claimed in March that ‘the temperature basically hasn’t changed much since the Ice Age,’ before confusing global warming with the depletion of the ozone layer:
2. During Record-Breaking Heat, Fox Anchor Claims ‘It’s Getting Colder.’ During […]
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Tuesday, January 1st, 2013
Editorial Board, - The Washington Post
Stephan: Finally, at least one state has begun to take climate change seriously. Let us hope that, once again, California will lead the way.
Starting on 1 January California will begin the nation’s most ambitious experiment yet in fighting climate change, and it will do it more or less alone. For environmentalists depressed by years of the United States’ unproductive ‘debate
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Tuesday, January 1st, 2013
COLIN TODHUNTER, - Center for Research on Globilization
Stephan: Lest you have any doubts about what is going on here:
I recognized my two selves: a crusading idealist and a cold, granitic believer in the law of the jungle
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