Libraries (along with post offices) have been a central part of urban planning for over a century. Orthodox urban economics is all about taking a central urban area as given, and then calculating ‘optimal
Sunday, June 2nd, 2013
NYC Public Libraries Under Attack, Facing Privatization and Budget Cuts
Source: Truthout
Publication Date: Friday, 31 May 2013 09:29
Link: NYC Public Libraries Under Attack, Facing Privatization and Budget Cuts
Source: Truthout
Publication Date: Friday, 31 May 2013 09:29
Link: NYC Public Libraries Under Attack, Facing Privatization and Budget Cuts
Stephan: Now we are seeing a move to close some libraries, and privatize others. For over two hundred years, Left or Right, we have recognized the importance of libraries as something a civilized society supports, essential to an informed electorate, and our democracy.
Along with prisons, schools, we now add libraries. Slowly the entire structure of support that creates national wellness is being undermined, and turned into a profit machine. It is another act of societal self-mutilation.