In an article for the journal International Sociology, William K. Carroll and Jean Philippe Sapinski examined the relationship between the corporate elite and the emergence of a ‘transnational policy-planning network,
Friday, June 21st, 2013
Global Power Project: Identifying the Institutions of Control
Source: Truthout
Publication Date: Thursday, 20 June 2013 09:41
Link: Global Power Project: Identifying the Institutions of Control
Source: Truthout
Publication Date: Thursday, 20 June 2013 09:41
Link: Global Power Project: Identifying the Institutions of Control
Stephan: This is one of the first responsible pieces I have seen that shows the interlocking nature of the new world elite. One of the effects of the world being run by Non-geographical Corporate States is that a corresponding transnational elite has arisen. A tiny group of people who control most of the world's wealth. The disparity of wealth has become so great as to be absurd. As an example: Six WalMart heirs have a wealth greater than the collective wealth of 41.5% of the rest of the population of the United States. That's just under a 131 million Americans.
Because they live globally in a way inconceivable to even normally wealthy people they have a bias for global not national interests. And like any group of people anywhere they have their clubs, and societies where they socialize, and deals are cemented. They have their interlocking boards. Their children marry. To keep it all invisible the vast corporations they control maintain the brand identify of the companies they takeover as they consolidate their wealth and power. I recently published a list of just the seed companies Monsanto owns, each apparently a different company but, in fact, a single corporate organism.
This report spells out many of the players, and how the system works.