Sick Patients Are Pumped Full of Feed-Tube Formula of Corn Syrup That’s Produced by … Nestle?

Stephan:  Just another disgusting detail about our illness profit system. If you have somebody in the hospital, I urge you to look into Liquid Hope. Anything you can do to improve the experience you or a loved one has in a hospital should be done.

When family nurse practitioner Susan Lavelle learned that a neighbor of hers developed the autoimmune disease systemic sclerosis and couldn’t naturally ingest food last year, she became concerned about the feeding tube formula doctors were recommending. The formula, called Ensure, was full of processed, sugary ingredients.

Ensure is produced by Abbott Nutrition, a company that competes with the multinational conglomerate company, Nestle to produce most of the feeding tube products available.

To give an example of what Ensure is made of, the first six ingredients-i.e. the most highly concentrated ingredients-of 36 items listed in the Ensure ‘Powder Vanilla

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Diet Soda Just as Harmful to Teeth as Meth and Crack Cocaine, Study Claims

Stephan:  If you drink diet cola drinks, and let your kids drink them, please read this. This is a reputable study, published in a reputable peer reviewed journal.

Diet soda may be a popular drink alternative for those looking to cut back on calories, but heavy consumption of these beverages could wreak havoc on a person’s teeth.

According to a new study published in the journal General Dentistry, constant exposure to the citric and phosphoric acid in soda – without proper dental hygiene – can be just as damaging to teeth as methamphetamine or crack cocaine, Health Day news reported.

‘You look at it side-to-side with ‘meth mouth’ or ‘coke mouth,’ it is startling to see the intensity and extent of damage more or less the same,’ Dr. Mohamed Bassiouny, a professor of restorative dentistry at the Temple University School of Dentistry in Philadelphia, told Health Day News.

According to Bassiouny, methamphetamine and crack cocaine are highly acidic, just like diet soda.

The study referenced a woman in her 30s who drank 2 liters of diet soda every day for three to five years. When her teeth were compared to a 29-year-old methamphetamine addict and a 51-year-old crack cocaine user, the levels of tooth rot and decay were very similar. The woman also admitted she had not seen a dentist in many years.

Bassiouny said her teeth had been destroyed […]

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EPA Dramatically Weakens Radiation Protection

Stephan:  Yet another example the corruption of our regulatory agencies. After Fukushima I predicted this would happen. The reality of nuclear power is such that when it goes wrong it can go wrong in terrible long-enduring ways. So the corporate states that own these death traps, want protection of their profits, and reduced liability. And that is what they are getting.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is publishing in the Federal Register today controversial new Protective Action Guides (PAGs) for responding to radioactive releases. EPA says it solicits public comment but is nonetheless making the PAGs immediately effective.

The new PAGs eliminate requirements to evacuate people in the face of high projected thyroid, skin, or lifetime whole body doses; recommend dumping radioactive waste in municipal garbage dumps not designed for such waste; propose five options for drinking water, which would dramatically increase the permitted concentrations of radioactivity in drinking water, by as much as 27,000 times, compared to EPA’s current Safe Drinking Water Act limits; and suggest markedly relaxing long-term cleanup standards.

‘In essence the government is now saying nuclear power accidents could produce such widespread contamination and produce such high radiation levels that the government should abandon efforts to clean it up and instead force people to live with radiation-induced cancer risks orders of magnitude higher than ever considered acceptable,’ said Daniel Hirsch, president of Committee to Bridge the Gap.

The PAGs are intended to guide the response to nuclear power reactor accidents (like Fukushima in Japan, Chernobyl in Ukraine and Three Mile Islandin the U.S.), ‘dirty bomb’ explosions, radioactive releases from […]

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America’s Corrupt Justice System: Federal Private Prison Populations Grew by 784% in 10 Year Span

Stephan:  America has the largest gulag in the world. We have five per cent of the population, and 25 per cent of the prisoners. The movement to privatize it, and turn the warehousing of humans into a profit making activity, in my view, is one of the most pernicious trends occurring in U.S. society. We are becoming a soft police state. Soft in the sense that we maintain the illusions of a fair judiciary, and equitable democratic institutions. But data like this reveals the truth that lies beneath the appearances. Click though to to the table.

From 1999-2010, the total U.S. prison population rose 18 percent, an increase largely reflected by the ‘drug war

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Journalist Explains How Utter Lack of Expertise in Congress Is Ruining America

Stephan:  I cannot express how strongly I agree with this. My only critique: He does not properly place this in the context of the transition into the Age of the Non-geographical corporate states. If our democracy were functioning properly the lunatic Right Congresspersons would not be elected. Click through to see the interview. It is worth your time.

For his new book, journalist Robert Kaiser intensely researched the political maneuvering surrounding the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. His conclusion? Most members of Congress don’t understand what they’re arguing about.

Speaking on PBS, Kaiser said Wall Street reform only occurred in the wake of the 2008 financial collapse thanks to the unique talents of former Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA) and former Sen. Chris Dodd (D-CT).

Unlike the rest of Congress, Frank and Dodds had an actual grasp on the financial situation and understood the need to act. Frank provided the brainpower, while Dodds’ political skill was necessary for financial reform to pass.

‘But it was upsetting to me as a citizen to realize how few members understood the issues they were dealing with,

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