Friday, August 9th, 2013
Editor’s Note — Chickens Comin’ Home to Roost
Stephan: Increasingly I am seeing more and more stories about the actual effects not only of climate change, but of the carbon energy industry that is the source of much that is driving climate change, as well as nuclear energy which creates such catastrophes when something goes wrong. I see almost no good news. Today's edition is a partial selection of just the stories I have seen over the past two days. I have dedicated today's edition of SR to this single topic to give you some sense of the dimension of what I see.
The impact of our bad choices is growing not in a linear way, but exponentially. That our government continues to support these bad choices, or to ignore the issue altogether is going to prove one of the worst mistakes in human history. The only thing that is going to change the trajectory of these trends is citizen outcry and voting. Always remember, Nature bats last and is undeterred by polemics.
-- Stephan