Dolphins Granted Personhood by Government of India

Stephan:  This represents an extraordinarily enlightened action on the part of the government of India. Would that the rest of the world would do likewise. I would much rather see dolphins and whales as recognized sentient beings, as opposed to corporations. More details at: You can also adopt a wild dolphin and help raise money for important scientific research! See:

Dolphins have been granted ‘non-human personhood’ status by the government of India, making India the first nation in the world to recognize the unique intelligence and self-awareness of the cetacean order (a class of aquatic mammals).

The decision was announced by India’s Minister of the Environment and Forests which also outlawed captive dolphin shows. The ministry added that dolphins ‘should have their own specific rights.’ (SOURCE)

Dolphins are extremely intelligent mammals with a highly-developed social structure. Recent research shows that dolphins call each other by name and can remember the unique name whistles from old ‘friends’ heard just one time 20 years ago.

Dolphins choose their own unique name — a series of complex whistles — before they reach one year of age. From that point forward, all the other dolphins in their social group call them by that unique name.
Dolphins use highly-complex grammatical communications

Previous research has shown that dolphins have human-like self awareness and engage in highly complex communications with other dolphins using grammatical sentence structure. Yes, dolphins have their own complete language, much like humans. (See the Dolphin Communication Project.) The main difference between dolphin language and human language is that dolphins aren’t vaccinated as young children and injected with […]

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Breakthrough in Battle Against Malaria as new Vaccine Proves 100 per Cent Effective Against Disease for the First Time

Stephan:  This is some major good news. If you have ever traveled in areas where malaria is a problem you know what a big deal this disease can be. Here may be what medicine has sought for centuries.

U.S. scientists have announced a significant breakthrough in the fight against malaria after a human trial of a new vaccine was 100 per cent effective against the disease for the first time in history.

More than three dozen volunteers were given multiple doses of a vaccine produced with a weakened form of the mosquito-borne disease that kills around one million people a year.

And their results were promising: The months-long trial was 100 per cent successful in protecting all of the subjects who received the strongest dose of the vaccine.

The results, which suggest scientists could be nearing eliminating the disease, were released by researchers from the National Institutes of Health, the Navy, Army and other organizations Thursday.

The vaccine, named PfSPZ, is made from weakened sporozoites which is the form of the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum when it’s in an infectious state, CNN reported on Thursday.

For the trial, the samples of the parasite were weakened by radiation and then frozen – but it remained in its whole form, which invoked a response of the patients’ immune system.

In total, 57 people took part in the trial, with 40 receiving some dose of the vaccine. All were then bitten by infectious mosquitoes and scientists tested […]

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Editor’s Note — Chickens Comin’ Home to Roost

Stephan:  Increasingly I am seeing more and more stories about the actual effects not only of climate change, but of the carbon energy industry that is the source of much that is driving climate change, as well as nuclear energy which creates such catastrophes when something goes wrong. I see almost no good news. Today's edition is a partial selection of just the stories I have seen over the past two days. I have dedicated today's edition of SR to this single topic to give you some sense of the dimension of what I see. The impact of our bad choices is growing not in a linear way, but exponentially. That our government continues to support these bad choices, or to ignore the issue altogether is going to prove one of the worst mistakes in human history. The only thing that is going to change the trajectory of these trends is citizen outcry and voting. Always remember, Nature bats last and is undeterred by polemics. -- Stephan
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In California, Climate Change Is ‘Real, And It’s Already Here’

Stephan:  The effects of climate change are already observable well underway. Here's what's happening in California.

California is already feeling the dramatic effects of climate change, according to a new report released Thursday by the state’s Department of Environmental Protection.

The study, written by 51 scientists, tracked a variety of indicators and found widespread evidence of the toll climate change is taking across the across the state, including more frequent and intense wildfires, rising sea levels, shrinking glaciers, warmer lakes and oceans, and hotter temperatures. These ripple effects of these changes threaten communities, industry, public health, and the state’s prized natural resources.

‘Climate change is not just some abstract scientific debate,

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