The farm subsidies that are part of the federal farm bill paid at least $11.3 million to 50 separate billionaires or billionaire-owned businesses since 1995, according to the Environmental Working Group (EWG).
The list of one-percenters getting these public benefits includes Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen, Chik-Fil-A founder S. Truett Cathy, investment maven Charles Schwab, former Chase Bank head David Rockefeller, Sr., and current Commerce Secretary Penny Pritzker. It also includes Amway co-founder Richard DeVos, whose DeVos Foundation is a massive donor to conservative causes and nonprofits like the Heritage Foundation, which frequently decries government programs for the poor as over-generous.
EWG emphasized that the total figure is likely an understatement because it does not include crop insurance subsidies. Instead, the $11.3 million came from price support programs that are designed to protect farmers from year-to-year volatility in crop prices. The separate crop insurance subsidy program, whose recipients cannot be identified by law, ‘has become the primary government support for farm business income.