How long will it take us to understand that the entire neoliberal project – the puritanical mania for cutting taxes, cutting social services and cutting budget deficits that has dominated the Western world’s economy for more than 30 years – has been a disaster? And guess what, liberals: You don’t get to point the finger at Ronald Reagan, Maggie Thatcher and Milton Friedman and claim it was all their fault. The reformist center-left, whether it took the form of Bill Clinton and the ‘New Democrats,
Sunday, November 10th, 2013
At Berkeley, Krugman’s Warning Becomes Reality
Source: Salon
Publication Date: Saturday, Nov 9, 2013 09:00 AM PST
Link: At Berkeley, Krugman’s Warning Becomes Reality
Source: Salon
Publication Date: Saturday, Nov 9, 2013 09:00 AM PST
Link: At Berkeley, Krugman’s Warning Becomes Reality
Stephan: This is an excellent essay on what is wrong with neoliberal austerity economics. I don't think of Paul Krugman in left or right terms but, instead, on whether events have proven him correct, or not correct. Along with Joseph Stiglitz, his fellow Nobel Laureate, Krugman has been proven to be correct far more often than not. I agree with his assessment.