Spend any time around monetary officials and one word you’ll hear a lot is ‘normalization.
Tuesday, November 19th, 2013
A Permanent Slump?
Source: The New York Times
Publication Date: 17-Nov-13
Link: A Permanent Slump?
Source: The New York Times
Publication Date: 17-Nov-13
Link: A Permanent Slump?
Stephan: The failure of the Congress and the President to reconsider the policies that have produced the mess we are in is condemning us to a needless and very destructive slump. The new Census Bureau report has just come out and it shows that 3 million more Americans are now in poverty. How high will the number have to go before social unrest becomes a problem? The current American leadership from both parties at the Federal level will, I think, be seen by history as amongst the worst in two and a half centuries, and the cause of America's collapse.