Wednesday, November 20th, 2013
RICHARD ENGEL, NBC News Chief Foreign Correspondent - NBC News
Stephan: There are so many things I dislike about the Obama Administration but this story, which broke today, is appalling, and almost unbelievable. We have millions of Americans literally unclear where their next meal is coming from. We have the developed world's highest rate of child abuse. Our infrastructure is falling apart, and we have 50 million people in poverty. So where does this administration choose to spend its money -- why rebuilding and defending Afghanistan. It is an endless war that has produced nothing but death, maiming, and destruction. The Afghans hate us, their government makes the Mafia look like the Red Cross, and nothing, nothing, has been accomplished in over a decade. And now Obama appears to be committing to more of the same.
KABUL — While many Americans have been led to believe the war in Afghanistan will soon be over, a draft of a key U.S.-Afghan security deal obtained by NBC News shows the United States is prepared to maintain military outposts in Afghanistan for many years to come, and pay to support hundreds of thousands of Afghan security forces.
The wide-ranging document, still unsigned by the United States and Afghanistan, has the potential to commit thousands of American troops to Afghanistan and spend billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars.
The document outlines what appears to be the start of a new, open-ended military commitment in Afghanistan in the name of training and continuing to fight al-Qaeda. The war in Afghanistan doesn’t seem to be ending, but renewed under new, scaled-down U.S.-Afghan terms.
‘The Parties acknowledge that continued U.S. military operations to defeat al-Qaeda and its affiliates may be appropriate and agree to continue their close cooperation and coordination toward that end,
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Wednesday, November 20th, 2013
Stephan: It is the nature of a security apparat operating in secret to expand its reach as far as technology will allow. It is also inevitable that it will abuse those powers. There is no historical exception to this, and here is a present day proof.
Detailed personal information of 4,904 Americans, whose only transgression was buying a book, has been shared by ‘nearly 30 federal agencies, including the Internal Revenue Service, the CIA, the National Security Agency and the Food and Drug Administration,’ McClatchy reports. The information about these individuals shared includes Social Security numbers, addresses and professions.
Federal officials gathered the information from the customer records of two men who were under criminal investigation for purportedly teaching people how to pass lie detector tests. […]
Although the polygraph-beating techniques are unproven, authorities hoped to find government employees or applicants who might have tried to use them to lie during the tests required for security clearances. Officials with multiple agencies confirmed that they’d checked the names in their databases and planned to retain the list in case any of those named take polygraphs for federal jobs or criminal investigations.
It turned out, however, that many people on the list worked outside the federal government and lived across the country. Among the people whose personal details were collected were nurses, firefighters, police officers and private attorneys, McClatchy learned. Also included: a psychologist, a cancer researcher and employees […]
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Wednesday, November 20th, 2013
Stephan: This report on little considered -- by the popular media anyway -- aspects of the GMO issue reflects my own thinking. The GMO technology is so much more complex and multi-faceted than it is usually presented.
It is not what GMOs are that should demand so much attention but, rather, what they do: They lead to corporate control over the food system.
An editorial in Science from September 2013 has come out in strong defense of GMO biotechnology, criticizing the destruction of experimental GM Golden Rice fields in the Philippines by protesters, or ‘vandals.’ Since then, the blogosphere has erupted with condemners and defenders once again accusing each other of ascribing to bad science, being ideologically driven and profiteering from their respective movements.
But while the narrow debate rages on about the inherent safety or harm of GMOs to humans and the environment, the more fundamental issue of the specific role GMOs play within the greater context of a globalized and industrial agriculture is left without comment.
The editorial, titled ‘Standing Up for GMOs,’ is sponsored by 11 scientists and focuses on the potential utility of Golden Rice, ultimately using it to portray GMO technology in general as a valuable tool that society should use because of its ‘potential to save millions of impoverished fellow humans from needless suffering and death.’
This type of narrow analysis, focusing almost singularly on the dormant ability of GM crops to feed and nutritionally […]
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Tuesday, November 19th, 2013
Stephan: This is one of the paths our increasingly dysfunctional and impoverished nation could go. Those of us who support the compassionate and life-affirming have got to make our voices heard, and we must vote lest racist fascism, which is already taking hold in some states, becomes the norm.
American political dysfunction looks pretty bad - but just take a look at what’s going on across the Atlantic. A poisonous wave of right-wing, neo-fascist parties is emerging in response to the continent’s ongoing austerity and hugely ineffectual policy response to the resulting jobs crisis.
The U.S. could be headed in the same direction if the austerity-pushers have their way. Europe is a case study in what happens when mainstream parties on both the right and the left fail to deliver relief to the people. Extremists seize the opportunity to assert themselves, and things get ugly very fast.
Bringing countries together in the European Union was supposed to make violent nationalist conflict a thing of the past. Member countries were supposed to prosper economically. But now countries like Greece and Spain are fracturing politically and falling into a downward economic spiral.
The creators of the euro were like parents fixing an arranged marriage. They knew that they were locking together countries with very different economies and political cultures. But they hoped that, over time, the new partners would grow together and form a genuine bond.
The European Union was banking on three forms of convergence: economic, political and popular. At the time […]
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Tuesday, November 19th, 2013
Stephan: This is an amazing story and should be getting much more attention than it has. It is a rare case of a top law enforcement official who has now experienced the American Gulag from the other side and who has come away appalled. We are destroying the lives of millions of Americans by a system that is completely out of control. I find it notable that this story appeared in a far Right web publication.
As New York City police commissioner, Bernard Kerik was ultimately responsible for the incarceration of many criminals.
Now that he has seen the prison system from the inside, having served three years behind bars, he has a new appraisal of the U.S. penal system: ‘insane.’
In his first interview since his release from prison, where he served time for tax evasion and lying to federal authorities, Kerik told NBC’s Matt Lauer on the Today show Friday: ‘No one in the history of our country has ever been in the system with my background.
‘You have to be on the other side of the bars. You have to see what it’s like to be a victim of the system. There’s no way to do that from the other side.
‘If the American people and members of Congress saw what I saw, there would be anger, there would be outrage, and there would be change, because nobody would stand for it.’
Kerik’s main beef is with mandatory minimum sentences. He served his time with non-violent inmates, many of them first-time offenders who received disproportionate sentences for their crimes.
Kerik handed Lauer a nickel during his interview to demonstrate the amount of cocaine that sends an offender to jail.
‘I […]
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