Following last week’s Tea Party Unity summit in Texas, TPU head Rick Scarborough convened a conference call today with Howard Kaloogian of the Tea Party Express.

Kaloogian, a former Republican state lawmaker from California, told the Tea Party activists that God is on their side and opposes the work of progressives to reduce income inequality:

I think it’s very important that churches get involved and that Christians follow the dictates of biblical principles in casting their vote. I think it’s clear that God has a position on many of the things we deem political today, from life to theft to the doctrine of covetousness, which by the way seems to be the promotion of the left. You know, they talk about “income inequality,’ well what is that but covetousness? So how could somebody support that cause if they’re biblical believing Christians?

Scarborough later claimed that God will ‘intervene” on behalf of the Tea Party in order to save America from ‘collapse,” arguing that the 1929 economic crash and the Civil War were both God’s judgment on the nation.

If we do our part then I’m confident that the God of Heaven will intervene. This country has […]

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