Republican Sen. James Inhofe is once again dismissing a report on climate change, attacking the integrity of the report’s authors. While that’s not news in itself, the targets of Inhofe’s derision are 16 retired three- and four-star generals and admirals. Inhofe claims that retired military officers are just desperate for publicity, and don’t understand the defense needs of the nation.
The generals and admirals wrote a federally funded report on climate change, assessing the threats of global weather events on national security.
Other Republicans, however, have been notably quiet since the report’s release. Typically, they form a chorus to shout down any climate-change report, claiming that man-made climate change is fraud perpetuated by the “liberal agenda.” This time, the authors of the report are not scientists and environmentalists, the typical targets of conservative derision. It would be political suicide for any Republican to categorize such a large group of career military officers as liberals, especially in an election year.
The authors of the climate change report focused solely on their area of expertise, national security. They serve as the military advisory board for the CNA Corporation, a non-profit research and analysis organization in Alexandria, VA. They warned that climate change is not […]