North Carolina, the state where all three GOP Senate candidates are competing to see who can best deny the reality of man-made climate change, faces over 3 feet of sea level rise in the coming century: a fact that, in 2012, the Republican Legislature formally voted to ignore (and which, in light of recent news, is likely an underestimation). And the hits to the coastal state’s hopes of preparing for its watery future just keep coming: A science panel put together by the Coastal Resources Commission, a committee designed to study the effects of sea level rise, is about to be overtaken by climate deniers.
Climate Progress has the scoop on nominations for the Science Panel on Coastal Hazards submitted by current member Larry Baldwin, himself a climate denier. Unsurprisingly, Baldwin’s top picks all appear to believe, as he does, that sea level rise isn’t a real problem.
Presenting the proposed all-star team:
Nicola Scafetta, a researcher with the Duke University Physics Department, who calls man’s contribution to climate change ‘significantly overestimated.”
David Burton, the science adviser for an economic development group that contends that a warming planet wouldn’t bring about accelerated sea level rise. ‘If […]