The full-frontal assault on marriage continues unabated, as lawless federal judges across the land overturn the will of the people of sovereign states, in writing law from the bench imposing same-sex ‘marriage” where it has been firmly rejected. The latest bad rulings are from Pennsylvania and Oregon, where federal judges this week nullified voter-approved protection of marriage. In Oregon, the decision was made by an openly homosexual Obama appointee. No one is pointing out the fact that the sodomite judge should have recused himself due to his clear conflict of interests, but of course, judicial ethics are so passé in our brave new world.

I’m still waiting for the states to stand up to these rogue, activist federal judges and tell them, ‘Okay, you’ve made your ruling, now enforce it-if you can.” But courage is in very short supply today, especially when it comes to opposing the militant homosexualists. The true ‘homophobia” is seen in people who, out of fear of the reaction of vicious homosexual activists, are too cowardly to stand up and tell the truth about the perversity of homosexuality and the dangers to all our freedoms from the radical homosexual movement.

Riding the dark wave of head-spinning ‘success” of […]

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