So what plans does your family have for the summer? I’m going to assume they don’t involve golf.
That’s because about every number coming out recently regarding the state of the sport is a negative, with millennials – as in, young people, as in, the future of the game – in particular abandoning, or having no interest at all in, a good walk spoiled.
There are a lot of theories as to why this is happening, including the grumpy old (in mind or body) coot’s favorite scapegoat, everybody-gets-a-trophy leagues. However, I have no doubt that a big issue is the sport getting out of sight, out of mind for a declining middle class. Golf’s high cost to entry and association with an older, moneyed elite has resulted in young people sending it to the same golden scrap heap as formerly mass activities such as tennis, attending college football games, and democracy.
One of the latest indicators of golf double-bogeying the sport of life was the disappointing quarterly earnings report issued May 20 by Dick’s Sporting Goods. The company said its difficulties were related to golf and hunting, but looking at the numbers, it’s golf that’s the bigger concern. Dick’s same-store sales at its […]