Wednesday, August 27th, 2014
Stephan: There is a major trend going on in this country and it is essentially taboo to talk about it. One sees lots of individual stories about morons and nutjobs that win their primary or election. But no one seems to be willing or able to link the datapoints into the trend they actually comprise. Something has happened to the Republican Party. These marginal people are almost invariably Republicans. Here is the latest example I've seen, but I could do a story like this every day.
A democracy doesn't work when a large percentage of the population chooses to vote for people like Klingenschmitt, and yet it happens over and over in Red value states. We seem to have reached some sort of critical mass of craziness, hate, and incompetence. Whether it is that very few people in the country have any respect for the Congress, which they see as incompetent and hopelessly gridlocked, so who cares who gets elected, or whether these bizarre candidates accurately represent the level of hate, and stupidity of the general public I can't say. What I can say is that the Republican Party has become a dangerous toxic force on the political landscape. Not because they are Republicans, but because of the positions and policies they hold and promote. This is not about politics really, it is about social policies and their outcomes.
Click through to see the actual video of Klingenschmitt, who has just won his primary. People actually voted for this man. QED.
A Republican nominee for a seat in Colorado’s statehouse accused Democrats of lacking a sense of humor after he said a gay U.S. congressman would soon start beheading Christians.
‘This weekend I sent out an email alert to my constituents in which I used hyperbole,” Gordon Klingenschmitt said in a video uploaded to YouTube on Monday. ‘You know what hyperbole is. It’s a literary device where you exaggerate to make a point. Well, apparently some Democrats do not have a sense of humor and they were offended by some of the things I said using hyperbole this weekend.”
An email alert sent out by Klingenschmitt over the weekend stated that Rep. Jared Polis (D-CO) wanted to execute Christians, reported Right Wing Watch.
‘The openly homosexual Congressman Jared Polis (D-CO) introduced a revised bill to force Christian employers and business owners to hire and promote homosexuals with ZERO RELIGIOUS EXEMPTIONS for Christians who want to opt out.”
‘Polis ‘wants sexual orientation and gender identity treated the same way as race, religion, sex, and national origin, when it comes to employment protections,’ claims the Advocate, under the headline […]