Think you have it tough at work? Consider the plight of the Midwest’s corn and soybean farmers. They churn out the basic raw materials of our food system: the stuff that gets turned into animal feed, sweetener, cooking fat, and even a substantial amount of our car fuel. What do they get for their trouble? According to a stunning analysis (PDF) by Iowa State ag economist Chad Hart, crop prices have fallen so low (a bumper crop has driven down corn prices to their lowest level since 2006), and input costs (think seeds, fertilizers, pesticides) have gotten so high, that they’re losing $225 per acre of corn and $100 per acre of soybeans. So if you’re an Iowa farmer with a 2,000-acre farm, and you planted it half and half in these two dominant crops, you stand to lose $325,000 on this year’s harvest.
Tuesday, October 28th, 2014
The Midwest’s Vast Farms Are Losing a Ton of Money This Year
Author: Tom Philpott
Source: Mother Jones
Publication Date: Wed Oct. 22, 2014 2:57 PM EDT
Link: The Midwest’s Vast Farms Are Losing a Ton of Money This Year
Source: Mother Jones
Publication Date: Wed Oct. 22, 2014 2:57 PM EDT
Link: The Midwest’s Vast Farms Are Losing a Ton of Money This Year
Stephan: This report shows once again how the industrial-chemical agriculture and husbandry model can not survive without massive government welfare. You and I essentially are paying -- through the government -- to underwrite the industry that is poisoning both us and the Earth.
If you’re an Iowa farmer with a 2,000-acre farm, and you planted it half and half in corn […]